Toothache: Causes, Symptoms, & Triggers

A toothache may be defined as ache or pain around the teeth or jaw. It can take several forms, but they tend to have something in common which are usually symptoms that need to be addressed by a dentist.  It could be that you feel a throbbing pain in the jaw or on one side of your mouth hurts when you bite down on something or maybe a sharp pain whenever you drink a cold drink. A toothache may also be an associated symptom of infections of the inner and external ear, sinuses. The common signs of toothache include inflammation of gum, pain while chewing, sensitivity to hot and cold stimuli, bleeding gums or some discharge from the base of the teeth, swelling of the jaw, redness along the tooth's gum line.

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What could be the cause of your toothaches?

Toothaches could occur owing to several reasons (of which the major effect is due to the activities you put your mouth through), a few are listed below:

  • Tooth decay

  • Abscessed tooth/gum (Infected nerve)

  • Fractured tooth

  • Food substances getting stuck between the teeth

  • Damaged filling or dental work

  • Chewing gum or grinding teeth (bruxism)

  • Infections in the mouth

Also, some of the cause of toothaches that many people tend to overlook is when the teeth are not brushed and well taken care of, plaque builds up on the teeth. The acid produced by the bacteria on the plaque will dissolve the tooth enamel causing tooth decay. Some uncommon cases include toothaches that re caused by medical condition or history as the root of the condition.

Symptoms of toothaches

A toothache is not hard to discovered and can be easily detected when you start feeling throbbing pain around the mouth and jaws. Patient suffering from a toothache tend to lose appetite and will experience difficulty eating. In some cases, the patient can experience an earache, swollen gums and fever. Having trouble breathing or swallowing, fever, a swollen gland that may also be painful when contact is made are some of the many other symptoms of toothaches. The common signs of toothache include inflammation of gum, sensitivity to hot and cold stimuli, bleeding gums or some discharge from the base of the teeth, redness along the tooth's gum line. Any of these symptoms are a call for your attention, and you need to find a San Leandro dentist in the fastest possible way.

Triggers of toothaches

Below are some common triggers of a toothache or tooth pain that can bring a lot of pain and discomfort in your life:

  • Abscessed tooth/gum (Infected nerve)

  • Cold drinks or food

  • Sweet foods

  • Chewing gum or grinding teeth Fractured tooth

  • Food substances getting stuck between the teeth

  •   Damaged filling or dental work

  • Infections in the mouth

  • Biting down on anything

Stop a toothache dead in its tracks right now. It is fast, cheap and simple! Visit San Leandro dentist right now!

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